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Image by Shubham Dhage

A B O U T   U S

Virtual Filtration, a scientific tool designed to assist chemists on their mission to discover molecules with desired attributes.

Liquid Bubbles

T H E   P R O B L E M

Recent pandemics have highlighted growing need for chemists to discover substitute molecules for reference-molecules.



These substitutes are essential for the development of vaccines and antidotes while minimizing negative side effects.


While suitable molecules are often identified, their utilization is hindered by associated negative effects.

what is a reference-molecule?

A molecule with desired attributes to the user.

We are looking for a suitable substitute for said molecule.

what are desired attributes?

Desired attributes vary depending on the user's needs, ranging from bonds and atom types to size and shape.

Molecule Background Stock Vector (Royalty Free) 86202295 _ Shutterstock.jpg
Image by Jari Hytönen

O U R   S O L U T I ON

Virtual Filtration utilizes a variety of


filtration methods for reducing large


amounts of molecule candidates into


a condensed, better quality ones,


with higher probaility to be suitable


as substitutes to a cause, a process


capable of saving precious time and resources.


P R E S E N T A T I O N   V I D E O 

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